Прилетел из Европы в Россию, и было стрёмно выходить из самолёта...Я видел, в какую жопу и грязь я попаду

The Last Resort - Skinhead Girl Warrior

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Listen to the world, what's the fuss?
Your politics don't mean shit to us
That Skinhead girl with all her pride
Will never run, will never hide

Oi! Oi! Oi!
Skinhead Girl Warrior
She speaks her mind
She gets real loud
She knows her roots and she's proud
From the 60's till now
She's fought in the streets
A warrior who doesn't know defeat

Oi! Oi! Oi!
Skinhead Girl Warrior
From the eastcoast to the westcoast
Inside myself I can hear the screams
The style all over
It may be different but in our hearts
Its all the same

Don't forget to struggle
Don't forget the streets
We must be united - as one

Теги: english

Следующая песня: The Zapoy! - Punks and Skins United
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