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🔊 رسالة إلى الإخوة في هيئة تحرير الشام || A Message to Our Brothers in Hay’at Tahrir Al Sham

This is a call to our sincere brothers in Hay’at Tahrir Al Sham to stop the arrest, terrorising and persecution of your brothers and sisters in Hizb ut Tahrir which is aimed at silencing the Dawah for the establishment of the System of Allah (swt).

It is a call to our brothers in Hay’at Tahrir Al Sham to stop the collusion with the agendas of the enemies of Islam who have sought to derail this Islamic revolution from its beginnings and ensure the continuation of the murderous Syrian regime and its secular system. It is a call to our brothers in Hay’at Tahrir Al Sham to return to the true aims of the revolution and work alongside your brothers in Hizb ut Tahrir to establish the System of Allah, the Khilafah state, which alone can end your oppression for good and bring security, guardianship, prosperity and justice under the Laws of your Rabb.


Теги: религия, видео, english, исламская грязь

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